Most Asked Questions

How to Buy an Office License Key at Cheap Prices

Whether you work in an office setting or remotely, you’ll need to purchase an Office license key at some point. But how do you buy the right one without wasting money on something unnecessary? This guide will show you how to buy an Office license key at cheap prices, so you can save money while using the software of your choice.

How Long Will it Take To Get My Package?

Thee email shipping is sent in less than 24 hours max.

How Do I Track My Order?

Afer purchase done. You will get an order number and it will be the traking number

How Do I Place an Order?

Add to cart your product. On cart page click on checkout you will be redirected to informations and shipping informations. Once done your will receive your order in a few minutes

How Should I to Contact if I Have Any Queries?

In egestas, libero vitae scelerisque tristique, turpis augue faucibus dolor, at aliquet ligula massa at justo. Donec viverra tortor quis tortor pretium, in pretium risus finibus. Integer viverra pretium auctor. Aliquam eget convallis eros, varius sagittis nulla. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean consequat ex sit amet metus ultrices tristique. Nam ac nunc augue. Suspendisse finibus in dolor eget volutpat.

Do I Need an Account to Place an Order?

No, but it’s better to get an account in order to get our special deals.

Should I buy a retail license or OEM?

If you’re going for an authentic Microsoft experience, then OEM is your best bet. In general, it’s always better to spend a little more on quality products and software than it is to save a few bucks here and there. In some cases, you can even buy official license keys at cheap prices if you know where to look (see below).

Where can I find cheap software?

Finding discount software is tough, but it’s still possible. If you know where to look, you can get official Microsoft Office keys for under $100. We buy a lot of discounted products here at How-To Geek, and we found one place where we can consistently find cheap software: eBay.

Is it legal to download software?

If you’re concerned about whether it’s legal to download software, rest assured—it is. If you buy a computer with Microsoft Office pre-installed, that software is covered under your OEM license and not available for individual purchase. However, if you want to install Office on additional computers (for example, one at home and one at work), then a retail key will be required.

Can I install my office key on more than one computer?

If you’re purchasing a software key and not using a volume license, yes, you can install your key on more than one computer. You should, however, make sure that each copy of Office is purchased individually and that both copies have been activated.

Should I choose the student edition?

There are three versions of Microsoft Office: Home, Student, and Business. When it comes to operating systems, you’ll want a key for Windows. Office 2013 comes in perpetual license form; basically, you buy it once and can use it forever on any computer as long as that computer is your own. If there’s ever a conflict with multiple users trying to access one copy (say, multiple family members), you just need additional licenses.

My office is broken, what should I do?

If your office is broken and you can’t open it, you may need to buy a new office license key. Office license keys are available from many different online stores. The key will be emailed to you after purchase and requires that your existing installation is activated with a valid product key.

