About Us

NDWSmarket (NDWS) started in 2014 to help gamers find the best games at the lowest prices available from all around the world.

Today, NDWS is the leader in the industry for CD key price comparison and we have the biggest selection of deals for games and software – all at the lowest prices possible.

We only compare prices and do not sell anything.

However, we have a fantastic and dedicated support team that you can send an email to. Our support team is available for you to ensure that you get the best experience possible, painless and free of stress.

You can find more information about the service we provide at how NDWSmarket works or why prices are so low on NDWSmarket.

Our support team is incredible!

We have a fantastic and dedicated support team available 24/7, whose job is to ensure you get a painless and stress-free experience.

Every day, they give you a great experience, help improve our comparison engine’s accuracy, and process pricing error reports directly from those using the site.

Note: Please keep in mind that some problems may require access to your purchase’s confidential data and, therefore, can only be resolved by the seller.

NDWSmarket will always support you during this process, and we will even contact the seller ourselves if needed.

We want to hear from you!

We are nothing without our incredible community. We value what you have to say, and that is why we want your opinion on every store and game found on NDWSmarket.

Digital goods require no plastic or physical box, and we believe that to be a positive step in reducing our carbon impact on this beautiful planet.

We are committed to supporting others through charity and you can click here to learn more.
Again, we are here because of you!

Did you know that we offer a reward program?! Well, we do.

We have designed our reward program for you. We can gift out thousands of games and prepaid cards thanks to our partners, such as instant gaming, kinguin and hrk.

There’s more! We also have an NDWSmarket HOURLY Lottery and our Twitch Subscriber-Only Lotteries, as well as plenty more.

That reminds us, we have a Twitch channel at NDWSmarket_TV where we bring you the latest news, trailers, and everything else video game related!

Even though NDWSmarket does not directly sell anything, we respect all local and international laws.

We are dedicated to searching and sorting through every online store available on the internet to give you the best prices available anywhere.

We encourage all of our users to rate and comment on each seller’s page – we promote a free speech space where our users can openly express and share their experiences.

Check out: is it safe to buy a CD key from a store on NDWSmarket?

Unlike many other companies, there is no traditional employee at NDWSmarket. We work with dedicated and hardworking consultants and freelancers from all over the world.

Customer Support:
Please feel free to contact us at [email protected]

